SSVF (Supportive Services for Veteran Families) Rapid Re-housing and Homelessness Prevention: This program is a short-term program that offers case management and temporary financial assistance (such as security deposits, rental assistance, utilities assistance, etc.) to homeless veterans in the community. The goal of the SSVF program is to get homeless veterans into permanent housing as soon as possible. On a limited basis, there are also funds to assist high-risk, low-income veterans on the verge of losing their housing, to remain in permanent housing. The SSVF program covers the State of Utah (except Salt Lake County) and South Eastern Idaho. SSVF is a VA funded program.
Please call 801-689-1516 or email to talk to a case manager about your housing situation and/or to schedule an appointment to meet with a case manager. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. You may need to leave a message.
- Head of Household or spouse must be a veteran
- Must have served at least 1 day of active duty and have a discharge other than dishonorable
- Household income must be below 50% area median income for their family size
- Must be either literally homeless or
imminently at risk of being homeless
- Literally homeless = rapid rehousing = staying in a place not fit for human habitation (i.e. park, vehicle, street, etc.); emergency shelter or transitional housing, or less than 90 days in an institution and was literally homeless prior to entering the institution.
- Imminently at risk of being homeless = prevention = shared housing; motel not paid for by friends or family; couch surfing; sub-standard housing.
- Veterans in the “Prevention” category must have an eviction notice or verification that they are required to leave their current housing. They also must pass the Prevention Screening disposition criteria which assesses risk factors. This helps us to prioritize prevention funding for those with the greatest need.
- Veteran family must have no other sources of support or resources and would be homeless ‘but for’ assistance from the SSVF program.
- Verification is needed for Veteran status (VA ID, DD 214, letter from VA); Income; Assets; lease agreements; homelessness; eviction notices. Other types of verification may be requested.
**Service area is Southeastern Idaho and the State of Utah (except Salt Lake County).